Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12, 2009

Breakfast with Santa at Melon Bean!

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11, 2009

We had a slumber party at Aunt Sarah's tonight.  
Home of the Pacifier Napper (a.k.a. my niece, Kensington).

After the kids finally went to sleep (which when having them all in the same room took a while!), Sarah and I cracked into a bottle (or two?) of wine and started crafting.  Here she is making the fleecy tied blanket she gave to Alex for Christmas.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10, 2009

We had a very busy day today!  It started with a Christmas Party at Nathaniel's school.  We had cookies and punch and the kids put on a cute little show for us, telling a story in which they each had a part, and singing lots of songs.  After each song Nathaniel stepped forward and yelled "Tank you, Tank you, BEDDY much!  Thee END!".  We were in tears laughing so hard!  Santa came to visit in the classroom and all of the kids got a present (even Alex!)  Here is Nate giving Daddy and I a present he made for us (a pine cone Christmas tree!)

Outside his school:

That night we had tickets to a VIP Meet and Greet with the The Jolly Good Fellow himself at the Strong Museum.  The kids got to play and run and go crazy.  It was nice to finally be there with Daddy instead of all by myself!  We had a nice time.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9, 2009

Alex saying "cheese" on command.  

And because it's too cute NOT to share, here is a photo captured of a cute little curl he has in his hair.  Which, unfortunately means he's in serious need of a haircut.  

P.S. - Happy Birthday, Mom!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009

I wonder what he's up to here...

I think that shirt says it all though...

And my other (sleepy) Future Heart Throb:

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009

Seriously, why didn't I use this photo for my Christmas card?  Doesn't he look like a praying angel?  How sweet!  Oh well, here it is now!  Better late than never!

On an unrelated note, Nathaniel helped me make some sugar cookies today.  He's such a good cook/baker!  Check out the concentration!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

Oh how I love this little man.
This smile just lights up my world.
My little Alfalfa.
Mommy loves you, Digger Fuzz Bucket.
(a.k.a. Monkey Boy, "Spud", "Pee Wee" and a laundry list of other names...)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009

Breakfast with Santa at Springdale Farm!!!

We started this tradition with our friends, Tiff & Brie, a few years ago and I look forward to it every year!  Nathaniel loves going to the farm and seeing all the animals (even when it's freezing and no one else is braving the cold to see them!).  I had a hard time picking just ONE photo as I got so many good ones!  So here are a few of my favorites...

There are so many more, but you get the idea!

We also bundled the boys up and headed out to get our Christmas tree tonight.  We decided to get a pre-cut tree and support the local boy scout troop that was set up at Nathaniel's pre-school. 
Here's Alex all bundled up and ready to go:
Daddy and Nate found a perfect "table top" size one.  Just what we were looking for this year to keep enquiring minds from knocking it over and/or pulling all the ornaments off it!

Friday, December 4, 2009

December 4, 2009

I had a hard time picking just one photo today.  I LOVED this picture of Alex getting dressed up in his warm stuff to head outside with us to see the Christmas lights Daddy had just put up.  (Yes, that's his brother's shirt he's wearing but he looks so stinkin' cute!)

And I never would have believed that these two would start scrapping so early in life.  They wrestle, get into screaming matches, even poke and prod each other to get each other's goat.  Little instigators.  Especially Alex.  He's little but he's a trouble maker!

This particular "match" ended like this:

Yep.  I think Nate won this one.  (No Alexes were hurt in the shooting of this little brotherly spat)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009

Today at work, my friend Shelby and I went over to Crestwood Children's Center to visit the new HQ of our Hillside Special Santas program.  I took some photos of the operation for an upcoming grant report I have due and I was particularly drawn to this wall.  Each of the staff members had put their hand prints here for years before the cottage was eventually desserted for new digs.  I love the colors and the legacy it represents.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2, 2009

Tonight the boys and I went on our weekly "Walk and Talk" with my friend, Heidi.  She had two of her three children with her so we took the opportunity to stop and see Santa as we were passing through.  Here is Nathaniel and Jayden:

And Alex and Santa:

And while we were there, Jayden took a photo of me and my boys for me.  I have so few pictures of me with my boys!  And I love this picture!  
Thanks, Jayden!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009

Can you tell what kind of day WE had?  

Monday, November 30, 2009

November 30, 2009

The beautiful sky I saw as I came up the hill to work this morning.  

Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29, 2009

Yum.  Cottage Cheese!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009

What happens when you absentmindedly watch TV while rubbing a black crayon over your lips like chap stick?  You wind up looking like the Joker, of course.  Ironically enough, he is wearing his Batman PJs in this picture :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

November 27, 2009

My Sunshine...I caught him in a rare moment of peace, just laying there planning his next big move!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Good food





and the Sunday paper to peruse the Black Friday ads

A perfect Thanksgiving!