Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010

Nate is so happy to be getting some time outside to ride his "motorcycle"...he acts just like Daddy, even wipes it down with a cloth when he's done riding.  Too funny!

My cheese-stick eating monkey-boy.  I could just eat him up, cheese-stick and all!

Nate got a boo boo just as we were heading out to "Walk 'N Talk" with Heidi...he was running around the living room and tripped, smashing his face into the TV table.  Ouch!  
Nothing an icee pop didn't fix, though!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30, 2010

Auntie Pam, Shawn and Brianna came over tonight to visit so we used the opportunity to dye some Easter eggs!  I love that the kids are getting old enough for this stuff now!  The boys did very well and made BEAUTIFUL eggs!  Hopefully next year Alex won't still try to drink the egg coloring so it should be much easier!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010

We're desperately trying to purge and down-size in preparation of getting our house back on the market soon.  I am very proud to say that (with the exception of some bins and blankets that need to go downstairs) Alex's room is ready.  One down...5+ to go.  It's a start anyway...