Independence Day 2009
We stopped to see Daddy at work and spend his break with him. He had planned ahead and already had lawn chairs set up in the back of his truck for us to watch the City's fireworks from. Of course he had to go back to work before they even started but we were all set up nicely. During our visit, Nathaniel kept telling people we were going to see the bullets ("boo-yits") go "boom!" up in the sky. Once they started, Nathaniel narrated the whole fireworks show saying, "Yook, that one geen...that one boo" or "That a lady bug - you see die-no-sore, Mommy?" and when they'd pause for even a minute it was, "Oh, no! Boo-lets seeping!"

It was Alex's first 4th of July and he was very quiet for the whole experience. It doesn't help that I had to wake him up to leave after he'd been "down for the night" for two hours already but he just sat in his carseat and stared at the sky. Not a peep. Not once.
Here is a cool shot I got of the fireworks using a swirl method I'm constantly trying to perfect:
Gorgeous pics, my love! I dig the swirly swirl! Too bad they don't really do that!! It looks kinda like a disco ball. I can't believe how good Alex was...after thinking he was sleeping...what an angel! And I have to think Nate's sunglass approach made them look even funkier!!