Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12, 2009

Does anyone remember doing this as a child?
Putting the macaroni on each prong of the fork before eating it?
I do.
And I find it thoroughly entertaining that it's apparently an unspoken rite of passage.
Or it's genetic.
Who knows, I just find it fantastically endearing.

Oh, and the boo boo under NATE's eye?  Yeah, that was another injury involving falling (off my back as he tried to jump on me from his bed and fell onto a fire truck on his bedroom floor) - I swear I don't beat my children.  They just BOTH happen to have eye injuries/bruises/cuts to the same eye within a week of each other.

1 comment:

  1. I think it must be genetic! Macaroni on prongs was not in my childhood! I think olives on fingers is genetic because Joey did it and our children do it, but I did not!
