Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011...Grumpy

Nate was not happy with whatever it was I told him he couldn't do.  So he was pouting.  And since I had my camera out to take photos of the fun they had been having, I captured this slice of real life, too.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the grouchy face!! :) It's sometimes nice to show the not-so-fun times too, huh? It seems Ethan (EC) puts this same face on about 3,045 times a day...he's got the whole whining thing down pat! :)

    By the way, you can HAVE our mini-cooper. :) While it's a super fun, cute, fast, unique little's just too dang small! My husband wanted it for good reason (less gas mileage during his commutes) but you can hardly fit a kid in there so we now only have 1 vehicle that can haul them around. Kinda stinks, really. OH, and yes...we must have been separated at birth or something. We did find a home in Kansas City and just found out today that our offer was accepted so we'll be moving within the next 4 weeks. Crazy lives you and I lead, huh? :)
