Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011...Haircuts and one tired boy

 Today I'm posting two photos because neither one of them is of great quality (cell phone photos) but both tell a story of our day with few words needed.
  We all (Nate, Alex & I) got our hair cut today...the boys were getting pretty shaggy and mine was well overdue for some shape and style.  I can only pass the ponytail off as an "updo" for so long!  So my boys are looking cleaned up and quite handsome, and I'm feeling a little more human with my cute new do.

Once we got home, it was practically bedtime so we ate quick, took baths, and got ready for bed.  Alex was apparently so tired that he brought his blankie in the bath with him.  He may have fallen asleep right there but for that whole drowning thing. 


  1. This is SO funny Shana! He is so cute! :) I <3 the boys new hair-dos! I bet yours looks cute too!


  2. Ok, my turn! This is priceless! When Ava looked at it she said "Mommy would be really mad if I took my blankie in the bath with me!".
